Longer Odds


This is a simple variation on the dance Long Odds. It aims to get more of the people moving more of the time. This page also provides the opportunity to showcase two performances of the jaunty tune "Long Odds".


Duple minor with 2nd couples improper.


A score is available at abc notation.


A1 1‑2All set right & left to partner,
3‑4all cross over to partner's place passing by the right, and face neighbour;
5‑8all left-hand turn neighbour 1½ times round, and face them (you have
to stand close together with elbows bent to get round in time
A2 1‑2All set right & left to neighbour,
3‑4all pass neighbour by the right to change places, and face partner across the set;
5‑8all left-hand turn partner 1½ times round to original places.
B1 1‑81st couple lead down, turn individually, lead up and cast down past their 2s, who move up (progression).
B2 1‑8Whole pousette, start by both men pushing.
